The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend James C. Kidder

Holy Trinity Catholic Church
El Dorado, CA

Sponsor: Rep. Rep. John Doolittle, (R-CA)
Date of Prayer: 04/01/2004

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

None given.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Monsignor James C. Kidder, Pastor, Holy Trinity Catholic Church, El Dorado, California, offered the following prayer:

O God, our loving Creator, our experience of Your fidelity in our lives can often be overshadowed by our fears of the future. We know the uncertainty of our plans and the difficulties we face in our aspirations. We need hope. Not false hopes that are unstable, but the hope of faith that can support and give courage. Your fidelity, Lord, is unchanging. You do not retreat. You do not know deception. Your fidelity is our hope.

Help us to be mirrors of Your fidelity, for the first, the last, and the greatest gift we have to offer others is our life. Help us to exist for those who entrust their well–being to us. A complete gift as great as this does require Your fidelity to us.

On this first day of April which could be filled with pranks, illusion, and humor, we thank You for the ability to laugh, which is a gift from You to release the tensions pent–up within and to open our eyes to envision Your truth all the more. We thank You, too, for the gift of a smile, a wonder that we can freely share to brighten the days of others. May we go forth today to share that gift generously. Amen.

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