The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Ed Sears

Grace Baptist Temple
Winston - Salem, NC

Sponsor: Rep. Hon. Richard Burr, (R-NC)
Date of Prayer: 03/26/2003

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. BURR. Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure that I rise today in recognition of our guest chaplain, the Reverend Ed Sears of Winston–Salem, North Carolina. He is a blessing to our community, and it is an honor to have him in Washington and in this House today.

Reverend Sears is the senior pastor at Grace Baptist Temple in Winston–Salem. He has been faithfully serving this congregation of over 1,000 members for the past 22 years. His faithfulness to the ministry and gift of leadership extends into his work as a teacher at the Piedmont Baptist College and Calvary Baptist College. His service on various leadership boards, such as the General Council of Baptist Mid–Missions and his chairmanship of the Board of Trustees of the Baptist World Missionary Outreach Ministries, is only a partial list of his extensive community service.

Reverend Sears has been happily married for 36 years. He is joined today by his wife, Linda, and also by their daughter, Heather.

I want to thank Reverend Sears for his commitment to his ministry and to our community and take this opportunity to welcome him to the United States Capitol.

Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to have Reverend Sears open the House of Representatives with prayer this morning.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Eternal God, Father of Nations. We come into Your presence this day asking for Your blessing and Your help. Your Holy Word admonishes us to pray for those in authority over us. Therefore, Lord, we lift the men and women of the 108th United States Congress to You. Remind them of past blessings and present responsibilities. Exhort them to personal integrity and empower them with truth and honor to carry out the awesome task of government.

We would ask also that our President, George W. Bush, be granted the wisdom and ability to lead us in accordance with Your divine plan.

Please, Lord, give protection to the men and women in our Nation's military as they are placed in harm's way. Grant victory quickly. We make these petitions because of Your grace and mercy. In the name of Jesus Christ we humbly pray. Amen.

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