Reverend Ralph Clay
Christ's Community Church
Portsmouth, OH
Sponsor: Rep. Hon. Rob Portman, (R-OH)
Date of Prayer: 10/15/2003
One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:
Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to welcome our guest pastor today, Pastor Ralph Clay . We are very thankful for his presence and for his humble ministry to God.
Pastor Clay joins us today from Christ Community Church in Portsmouth, Ohio. Pastor Clay is a respected faith leader there and also a respected community leader who has made life better for those living in Portsmouth, Ohio, and the surrounding areas. In fact, I just learned this past weekend Pastor Clay and Christ Community Church made life a lot easier for single parents, regardless of whether they were members of his church or not. They offered a variety of free services from financial counseling and diabetes screening to oil changes for single parents, and they had a great response.
As an ordained minister for 38 years and a gospel singer since age 6, and I have heard his voice and it is beautiful; he has been active in his community his entire life. He has been involved with the local housing authority, the public library, the inner–city development corporation, and is a member of the Pastoral Care at Southern Ohio Medical Center.
Pastor Clay has been married to his wonderful wife, Marilyn, who is with us today, for 39 years. They have four children and two grandchildren. He is an outstanding family man, minister, and member of his community. It was humbling for all of us, I know, to hear his inspired message this afternoon in this historic Chamber.
Thank you, Reverend Clay , for joining us.
Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:
The Reverend Ralph Clay, Christ's Community Church, Portsmouth, Ohio, offered the following prayer:
Dear God, we have gathered here today to seek Your wisdom and guidance as the House convenes. I pray for President Bush as he leads this great country. Give him the strength and courage necessary to perform the duties of his office. Thank You, almighty God, for the blessing of living in a free Nation. May we always be grateful for freedom. May our citizens know peace. May our hurting know compassion. May our leaders discern between good and evil and have the courage to stand for that which is good.
Almighty God, unify us, protect us, and cause us to trust in You with all our hearts.
Bless this House today as they carry out the responsibility of governing this great country, the United States of America. This I pray, amen.
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