The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Opening Prayer

Chaplain Margaret Grun Kibben

Teach us today, O Lord, to live by faith and not by sight. There are so many issues, concerns, and worries that press us from every side. Remind us again that our faith in You will not allow us to be crushed.
Countless unknowns, the uncertainty of our future, our health, our welfare, all cause us to be perplexed. Remind us again that our faith in You will not leave us in despair.
The suffering in our world, in our Nation, in our communities, even in our homes, persecutes our sense of rightness. Remind us again that our faith in You assures us that none of Your children are abandoned, none will be separated from Your love.
When all hope seems lost, when our energies are depleted, when we are struck down with nothing left to pick us up, remind us again that our faith in You will always protect us from being destroyed.
All of what we see around us is temporary. May we fix our eyes on what is unseen: Your eternal and gracious plan for our lives today and always.
In Your sovereign name we pray.  Amen.

Thought of the Week

We do not know if it is God’s will that this or that person should recover from sickness, or this or that calamity should be averted. God is wiser than we are. We do not know whether it is God’s will that we should have rain that is so necessary for our crops. There are things like these that lie in a region of uncertainty into which the intelligence of man cannot penetrate. So then as the object of prayer is not to bring the divine will down to the human, but to lift the human up into correspondence with the divine, for all these uncertain things we can pray indeed, but uncertainly—‘If it be possible, let this or that come to pass; nevertheless, not my will, but Thine, be done.’

—Charles Gore

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