The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Opening Prayer

Chaplain Margaret Grun Kibben

On this day, Lord, hear our voices as we speak from the depths of our hearts our innermost concerns and our deepest fears. Listen to our intent as we speak with our actions our profound desire to get things done and to make things better in our communities and in this country.

God, You are not pleased with wickedness. Forgive us our grievous injury, both unintentional and calculated, to our colleagues and those closest to us. The arrogant cannot stand in Your presence. Help us in the face of all that feeds our pride to humble ourselves before You.

If we have done wrong, we pray Your mercy. For the lies we have told and lived, we pray Your reconciliation. For the deceit we slip into so easily, we pray Your truth will redeem us.

O God, our king and Savior, listen to our words, both spoken and unspoken, and consider our contrite hearts as we lay our requests before You and wait expectantly for You to answer.

In Your merciful name, we pray. Amen.

Thought of the Week

The determinations of Providence are all ways wise; often inscrutable, and though its decrees appear to bear hard upon us at times is nevertheless meant for gracious purposes.

—George Washington

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