The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend T. Brannon Bowman

Monroeville Presbyterian Church
Monroeville, AL

Sponsor: Rep. Rep. Sony Callahan, (R-AL)
Date of Prayer: 07/17/2002

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. CALLAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I am honored and pleased to have had with us this morning, and still in the audience or in the body this morning, a guest chaplain from my district, the Reverend Brannon Bowman . We are privileged to have him here visiting from Monroeville, Alabama, where he serves as pastor of the Monroeville Presbyterian Church.

After nearly 14 years as a Presbyterian pastor, Reverend Bowman has played a vital role in establishing churches in communities across Alabama. His service extends beyond his own church. The reverend offers his time as the chaplain of the Monroeville County Hospital, the area coordinator for the National Day of Prayer, as well as a professor at the Birmingham Theological Seminary.

Born in Montgomery, Alabama, he earned a Bachelor of Science from the Birmingham Southern College, a master's in music from Auburn University, and a Master of Divinity from Birmingham's Theological Seminary. Reverend Bowman has been married to Carol New Bowman since 1990, and they are proud parents of a son, Thomas.

Mr. Speaker, I know the House joins me in welcoming Reverend Bowman . At this time, when our Nation is in most need of strong faith, we are fortunate to have someone of his character among us. I thank him for his uplifting prayer this morning.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Our Almighty and Gracious God,

Great is Your faithfulness. Your mercies never cease and Your compassions never fail.

We ask, O Lord, that Your blessings be upon the members of this 107th Congress, that Your strength would make them equal to their tasks, that Your wisdom would guide them in their service to this great nation, and that Your providence would ensure that they are found faithful to those who rise to serve You tomorrow.

Bless, O Lord, the citizens of the United States. May their symphony of prayer and praise ring loudly throughout this land with never–ending crescendo.

Bless, O Lord, our President. Grant him strength and wisdom in proportion to that which is required of him this day.

Bless, O Lord, our military personnel as they bravely serve the cause of peace and justice. And we ask, most earnestly O God, that You bring them home safely and soon.

Bless us all, we pray, that we would do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.

This we pray, as one nation under God, through Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen.

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