The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend W. Douglas Tanner

The Faith & Politics Institute
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 10/11/2002

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

As a deer longs for running streams, our souls long for Thee, O God. You have sent rain to fall gently and steadily upon this city, and its streams indeed are running.

In this painfully momentous season, we dare to recall the words of the prophet Amos, when he speaks of Your desire for justice also to flow like water, and righteousness like an ever–flowing stream.

Awaken us ever more fully, O Lord, to the streams of love, compassion, and courage that You continue to send as surely as the rain. Let those streams flow into us, among us and through us, that we may be the people – and the Nation – You would have us be.


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