The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Chaplain John Beaver

American Legion
Mobile, AL

Sponsor: Rep. Hon. Jo Bonner, (R-AL)
Date of Prayer: 03/02/2010

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

* Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, I rise to personally welcome to the House, our guest chaplain, John L. Beaver of Mobile, who hails from the First Congressional District of Alabama.

* John L. Beaver was appointed National Chaplain of The American Legion on August 17, 2009, during the closing session of the 91st National Convention in Louisville, KY.

* A retired U.S. Air Force veteran with more than 20 years military service from the Vietnam War era to the time of the Lebanon/Grenada conflicts, Chaplain Beaver has performed religious duties at the local Post, District, State and National levels since joining the American Legion in 1989.

* Chaplain Beaver is well known and respected in South Alabama for his humanitarian work with an emphasis on aiding homeless persons.

* In the aftermath of the September 2005 crisis following Hurricane Katrina, Chaplain Beaver coordinated regional relief efforts on behalf of The American Legion, a fellow veterans' service organization and church organizations.

* He was instrumental in the operation of supply depots and distribution sites to aid storm victims all along the stricken Gulf Coast.

* A pastor assistant and Sunday school superintendent, Chaplain Beaver's primary ministry is the visitation of––and care for––shut–ins at area hospitals, assisted living facilities, veteran's homes and homeless shelters through the ministries of the Fowl River and Kingswood United Methodist Churches in the Mobile, Alabama area.

* I join my colleagues in welcoming Chaplain Beaver to the U.S. House and in thanking him for his service to our veterans and our community.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Our Lord God, we give you our praise for being so faithful and trustworthy. We give you our gratitude for displaying to us your awesome presence in a very powerful way.

We ask for your wisdom to be given to each Congressman and Congresswoman in their deliberations today. Give them a compassionate heart, humility, and discernment, and may we sense a unity through your unfailing love.

We pray for the men and women in our military. Shield them from all dangers and give them the assurance of your guidance and strength so that they may safely return home to their loved ones. Give comfort to our wounded warriors in body, mind and spirit. Comfort those who are now grieving the loss of their loved ones.

Bless all our veterans and military organizations who serve from their hearts.

Strengthen us in heart, mind and spirit as we serve you, our God, and our beloved nation. Amen.

To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory