The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Sister Catherine Moran

New Community Corporation
Newark, NJ

Sponsor: Rep. Donald Payne, (D-NJ)
Date of Prayer: 09/12/2000

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, on this historic occasion it is with great pride that I welcome the guest chaplain to the United States House of Representatives, the first Roman Catholic nun, and the first non–ordained woman to offer the opening prayer, Sister Catherine Moran . Sister Catherine Moran is well known and widely admired in my hometown of Newark, New Jersey, where she lives and has made a great difference in our community with her over–15 years of service to the New Community Corporation and earlier as an assistant superintendent for secondary schools in the Newark Archdiocese.

A dynamic and forward–thinking leader with a passion for social justice, Sister Catherine works diligently to improve the quality of life in our community for all people. The New Community Corporation, which was founded by my good friend, Monsignor William Linder, has a tremendous record of success in restoring vibrancy to the city of Newark through a number of innovative economic development projects and community–based programs. I am pleased to have the opportunity to offer our heart–felt thanks to Sister Catherine for bringing such energy, creativity, and resourcefulness to our community.

Mr. Speaker, as a graduate of Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey, I think it should be noted that Sister Catherine Moran is carrying on a legacy of another strong woman of faith whom my alma mater is named after, Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first saint who was born in the United States of America. I know my colleagues here in the United States House of Representatives join me in honoring Sister Catherine and congratulating her on this very special day.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair and the House joins the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. PAYNE) in welcoming Sister Catherine to this historic event today. Sister , thank you.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Lord God
As Members of the House of Representatives meet today, give this nation the strength and wisdom
to follow Your way.

By Your gentle prodding, Lord, help those elected to public office to act on the promises made to those who rely on them.

By loosening the bonds that have held Your people in the past, may this body give service to all.

In deliberating and making decisions, may the poor and oppressed never be forgotten.

With your guidance, Lord, may Your servants be instrumental in fashioning a better tomorrow for all.

We ask Your blessing on the work of this Congress and we thank You for Your presence among us.

To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory