The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Byron Brought

Calvary United Methodist Church
Annapolis, MD

Sponsor: Rep. John Sarbanes, (D-MD)
Date of Prayer: 06/24/2010

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. SARBANES. Madam Speaker, it is my great pleasure and honor to welcome Reverend Byron Brought to Congress this morning. Reverend Brought is retiring this month after serving the Maryland community for more than 40 years as a spiritual leader and mentor.

Since 1992, Reverend Brought has served as Senior Pastor at Calvary United Methodist Church in Annapolis, Maryland. Prior to his appointment at Calvary, he presided over several United Methodist ministries in the Baltimore–Washington Conference. His many accomplishments include serving on various community councils, including terms as President of the Baltimore–Washington Conference Board of Pensions and the Council on Finance and Administration.

Reverend Brought is the proud husband of Mary Kay, father to two children, and grandfather to soon to be four grandchildren. I ask my colleagues in the House of Representatives to join with me in congratulating Reverend Brought on a career of dedication and service.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

For a few passing years, O God, You have entrusted these representatives with the gift of authority and leadership. May they do no harm. Keep them free from the temptation of seeking personal gain or glory. Save them from the mediocrity of trivial debate. Guide them in these challenging days.
May there ever be mutual respect and cooperation among them. Remind them that they are servants of the people, and through their actions may the people be served, the poor lifted up, and Your creation respected. Give them the grace and wisdom to discern what is right. And give them the courage to do it. May justice and peace flourish throughout this good land.
In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen.

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