The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Danny Cochran

Holly Creek Baptist Church
Chatsworth, GA

Sponsor: Rep. Rep. Nathan Deal, (R-GA)
Date of Prayer: 07/14/2004

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. GINGREY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today on behalf of my colleague, the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Deal). He has asked me, in his absence, to extend a warm welcome to Reverend Danny Cochran. It is a pleasure to have him join us today as our guest chaplain.

Reverend Cochran has served the people of the 10th District of Georgia for nearly 20 years. He is currently the Pastor of Holly Creek Baptist Church in Chatsworth, Georgia. Reverend Cochran received undergraduate degrees from Liberty University and Luther Rice Seminary and a Master of Arts and Religion from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. He is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Ministry.

While he has continually served those in his community through programs such as Big Brothers of America and the "Economics of Staying in School," Reverend Cochran has extended his ministry beyond our country's borders. He has traveled to the Caribbean Islands, to Russia, to Romania and Honduras to bring aid to the people of these countries.

It is an honor to have him offer this morning's prayer. Reverend Cochran , we appreciate your service not only to the citizens of the 10th District of Georgia but to all Georgians, including those I represent in the 11th Congressional District. On behalf of my colleagues here in the United States House of Representatives, I thank you for your Ministry to us here today.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Heavenly Father,
Since the beginning of our nation its leaders and people have called upon you seeking guidance, protection, and blessings. You have heard those prayers and blessed this great nation in ways that defy description. The Psalmist wrote, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." This nation has truly experienced the reality of those words. We humbly thank you for the freedom and many other blessings that we enjoy.

Today we turn to you again. The ladies and gentlemen of this House of Representatives will make decisions that will affect multitudes of people for many years to come. We pray that you will grant them with insight and wisdom as they deliberate these important issues. Help them to choose what is right and good.

We pray your continued blessings upon this nation, its people, president, and those who protect her freedom.


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