The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend John Rosenberg

Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Olympia, WA

Sponsor: Rep. Denny Heck, (D-WA)
Date of Prayer: 03/25/2014

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. HECK of Washington. Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure today to welcome to the Nation's Capital Pastor John Rosenberg of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Olympia, Washington, where he is the lead pastor. He is my pastor; today it is personal with me.

Pastor Rosenberg is a graduate of Concordia Senior College of Luther Seminary and even has a graduate degree from one of my alma maters, Portland State University.

It is personal with me today because, in part, Pastor Rosenberg has announced his retirement on June 30. We will miss him greatly.

I have no fear for how he will spend his retirement time because he is an obsessive, compulsive fisherman, which is a good thing to be in the Pacific Northwest, as a matter of fact.

I deeply appreciate him for his presence here today. More importantly, for living the example of the Scripture which he quoted today, by far my favorite, that which I believe is the most holy and that which I believe is the wisest, and that is Micah 6:8: Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your Lord.

All these things Pastor John Rosenberg does. Thank you so much for being here today, my good friend.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Holy one, we know You in an infinite variety of ways. By whatever name we call You, You are the one in whom we live and move and have our being.

We ask Your blessing upon the Members of this House as they carry on the business of our Nation at this critical time in our history.

Give them courage in the face of immense challenges, a spirit of cooperation despite their differences, and trust in Your divine guidance as they work together for the common good.

When the path ahead is unclear, remind them that throughout the ages, Your prophets and holy ones have shown us what is good; that You require nothing more of us––but nothing less––than to do justice, to have compassion for one another, and to walk humbly with You, the beginning and the end of all things.


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