The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Seretta McKnight

Union Baptist Church
Hempstead, NY

Sponsor: Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, (D-NY)
Date of Prayer: 09/18/2014

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mrs. McCARTHY of New York. First of all, Mr. Speaker, I would like to certainly welcome the family and friends of our sister, Reverend Seretta McKnight , who just delivered that wonderful prayer opening today's session in the House of Representatives.

Reverend McKnight serves at the Union Baptist Church in Hempstead, New York, on Long Island. She is a product of the Roosevelt Public School System and is a graduate of Syracuse University. Currently, Reverend McKnight is a candidate for a master of divinity degree.

It has been my honor and pleasure to know Reverend McKnight for many years, and I take this time to recognize her for the outstanding service she has provided to local people throughout our unique district and organizations.

I want you to know that she has worked tirelessly with Sisters in the Struggle and several other community–based organizations. She focuses on programs for women and young people. Reverend Seretta McKnight is affectionately known as the ‘‘sister minister'' to all who are enriched by her sermons and wisdom.

Again, I thank Reverend McKnight , her family, her friends, and her mother for traveling to join us today in Washington. I salute her for her years of service to the people of the Fourth Congressional District and to the people of this country.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Good morning, Lord God. I acknowledge that You are God alone, large and in charge, and I thank You for being a loving, a forgiving, and a just God.

As I stand in these hallowed halls of this House, this chapel of democracy, I ask You to give all those who have the responsibility to represent, provide, and protect we, the people, the courage, conscience, and heart to do the right thing by choosing the principled position over political posturing.

Lord God, allow these to enact the laws that will help and heal, not hurt and harm, we, the people. Give this august body the courage to decrease the divide between the haves and the have–nots, the conscience to consider all of our children as precious, and the heart to lead with love so that this House turns from a house of pain to one of purpose, of promise, and of productivity for we, the people.

Lord God, please bless Speaker Boehner; Leader Pelosi; my Congresswoman, Mrs. McCarthy; and all those who have the challenge to lead for such a time as this.

Lastly, Lord, before I ask You to continue to bless America, bless our President Barack Obama and all those who are in service to this great Nation. Teach us how to bless You, Lord, so that You, God, may continue to bless America.

It is in the name that is above every name that I offer up this petition to the Throne of Grace. I am speaking of my personal Lord and Savior; Jesus Christ is the name in which I pray.

And we all say together, amen.

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