The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Terry Ribble

Grace Bible Church
Dunmore, PA

Sponsor: Rep. Reid Ribble, (R-WI)
Date of Prayer: 04/23/2015

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. RIBBLE . Mr. Speaker, as much as I am tempted to tell stories about my brother this morning, I will digress. It is my honor this morning to welcome as our guest chaplain my brother, Pastor Terry Ribble .

It is no surprise to me to find Terry in the full–time ministry. For as long as I can remember, he possessed the heart of a pastor. Terry left home at the age of 18 to go into foreign missions. Years later, he returned to the United States with his wife, Madeline, and has spent his entire life in full–time pastoral service. No one who knows my family is taken aback by his chosen work. Today, Terry is the senior pastor at Grace Bible Church in Dunmore, Pennsylvania. He possesses the acumen, compassion, and intellect uniquely suited for this purpose.

The work that churches like his do in our communities changes and affects the lives of thousands of Americans as they reach out to the less fortunate, the sick, and the hungry, improving the lives of whom they touch. They enrich our communities.

I have watched Terry do all of these things. I am proud of him and of his work, and I thank him for his service today.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Our gracious Heavenly Father, we come into Your presence today acknowledging that You alone are God and worthy of all worship.

We declare that You are the Creator and Sustainer of all things and the one who provides the means of forgiveness to all mankind.

We recognize Your sovereign rule over Heaven and Earth and that we, Your created beings, are Your stewards.

Father, we thank You that You allow us to live in a nation where everyone has freedom to worship You according to the dictates of their own hearts.

We pray for wisdom for our elected officials. Give them the ability to discern the times in which we live and to see the consequences of their actions. Guide them in making decisions that will serve our Nation best.

May Your spirit move across our land, bringing a new spiritual awakening.

Father, cause Your face to shine upon our Nation and give us peace.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory