The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Robert Michaels

Serve & Protect
Brentwood, TN

Sponsor: Rep. Marsha Blackburn, (R-TN)
Date of Prayer: 09/09/2015

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, it is a distinct honor to introduce and honor guest chaplain Reverend Robert Michaels, from Brentwood, Tennessee.

As is the tradition of this governing body, we begin each day with a prayer . I am so pleased that Chaplain Michaels is offering that prayer today.

He is the CEO, founder, and national trauma care specialist for Serve & Protect, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to comprehensive and confidential trauma care and therapy for police officers, firefighters, rescue workers, dispatchers, and other emergency workers.

Chaplain Michaels served in law enforcement with the 229th Military Police Battalion of the Virginia Army National Guard, as well as with the Norfolk, Virginia, police department.

He serves as chaplain for the FBI Memphis division, Nashville R.A., State chaplain for Tennessee FOP, and is a chaplain and second vice president for Morris Heithcock FOP Lodge 41 in Williamson County, Tennessee, where he is an active member and leads a Bible study group for first responders.

He is a member of the American Academy of Experts in Trauma Stress, National Center for Crisis Management, the International Conference of Police Chaplains, and Federation of Fire Chaplains. He holds a BA from Columbia International University and an MA from Wheaton College.

Mr. Speaker, please join me in welcoming Chaplain Michaels today and expressing gratitude for the good work that he does for our law enforcement and emergency workers each and every day.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Lord God, we humbly come before You asking for wisdom, unity, and peace.

We are reminded that September 9, 1776, the Continental Congress declared the name of our new Nation to be the United States of America, no longer United Colonies. Our national unity was strong.

Lord, we also remember unity September 11, 2001, when terrorists attacked our Nation. Again, our Nation stood united, strong, and resolute.

Today, Lord, we pray for that same commitment to unity, that sense of all for one and one for all. We pray for our military and first responders, noble heroes all.

Please, Lord, help our leaders. Grant wisdom and vision; help them serve this great Nation, under God, "with liberty and justice for all." One Nation. One heart. One mind.

We sincerely pray this as one Nation under God, as Jesus taught us to pray, to our Father, who is in heaven.


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