The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Ric Metzgar, Sr.

Church of God
Essex, MD

Sponsor: Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, (D-MD)
Date of Prayer: 05/02/2017

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to introduce and welcome to Washington, Maryland State Delegate Ric Metzgar, a friend for a long time, Second District resident, who has been representing eastern Baltimore County in the Maryland General Assembly since 2015. He has been serving his community far longer.

Delegate Metzgar has lived in Essex for most of his life, graduating
from Kenwood High School before attending Northwest Bible College. His father worked for the Glenn L. Martin airplane community, and his mother owned a dry–cleaning business.

Delegate Metzgar managed a local car dealership and a diner, and, as an ordained minister, he has served as a ministry leader and Sunday school director for several local churches. He founded Gateway Pastors and Churches Association.

In Annapolis, Delegate Metzgar serves on the Health and Government
Operations Committee as well as the Maryland Veterans Caucus. His
volunteer efforts within his community are unending.

Delegate Metzgar has long served as chair of the Essex Christmas
parade and co–chair of the massive Essex Day Festival. He is a member
of the board of directors for the Heritage Society of Essex and Middle River.

Delegate Metzgar is married with two children and two grandchildren.

I am honored to call Delegate Metzgar a friend and constituent of the Second Congressional District of Maryland, and I offer sincere thanks on behalf of this entire body for his delivery of today's opening player.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

My heavenly Father, You are the composer of my life. Thank you for orchestrating my direction today.

I recognize You as the source of life and love. Hear the prayers of this House, both for the good of the Nation and the good of humanity and around the world. Help this House to discern Your will in our day.

Strengthen all of us and help us to show forth the fruits of Your spirit of love, joy, peace, and generosity as we go about our work. Grant us a spirit of compassion and cooperation.

We ask Your blessings for all those who have chosen to take up this difficult task of governing, not only those who are elected but also
those who serve as staffers, interns, and volunteers here and around our great Nation.

We look to Your Scriptures that tell us "Balance and scales belong to the Lord; all weights of justice belong to You." And as Jeremiah 29:7 exhorts us to:

Seek the peace of the city and our Nation. Pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace, you will have peace.

May the peace that passes all understanding guide our hearts and our minds in the days to come.

This we pray in Your matchless name, thanking You for being the architect of our lives. Amen.

To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory