The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Pastor Scott Poling

Harvest New Beginnings Church
Oswego, IL

Sponsor: Rep. Randy Hultgren, (R-IL)
Date of Prayer: 07/28/2017

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. HULTGREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today pleased to welcome Pastor Scott Poling, who graciously delivered our opening prayer in the House this morning.

For more than 20 years, Pastor Scott has faithfully led the
congregation at Harvest New Beginnings Church in Oswego, Illinois,where my family and I attend.

His passion for evangelism and outreach is contagious. Those touched by his ministry have seen firsthand his energy and passion for people around the globe.

When he is not running ultra–marathons or playing tennis, he spends time expanding the church's international ministry, and has equipped African pastors with the leadership skills to carry God's truth into
their congregations.

Scott and his wife, Carla, are celebrating 26 years of life–giving
marriage, along with their five beautiful children.

Pastor Scott, we praise God for how your ministry has affected so
many, and our legislative work is blessed by your prayers over us today.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Lord, I pray for these who serve this Nation, for they ultimately serve You. There is no authority except from God, and these gathered here, whether they realize it or not, are Your ministers for the good of the people of the United States of America.

I pray for the men and women in this room and those who will soon fill these seats. Help them to acknowledge You, come to faith in You, look to You, and live in the fear of God and not the fear of men.

Embolden them to make good godly decisions that You deem right, based on the authority of Your holy inspired word.

I especially pray for the many Representatives who are Your true children by faith in Jesus Christ. Grant them Your favor and blessing and raise them up. Give them supernatural strength through the work that they do. Give them great wisdom for the decisions they make and the direction in which they lead this Nation.

God, purify their motives, protect them from pride, help them bow, lest they break, and may they never forget Your promise: "He who honors Me, I will honor."

In Jesus' name, the only name by which we have access to Heaven, I pray. Amen.

To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory