The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Alisa Lasater Wailoo

Capitol Hill United Methodist Church
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 08/29/2017

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

God of us all, today we think of the people of Texas engulfed in a tremendous storm.

We pray for their immediate safety; for security personnel and emergency responders; for one unified effort; and that the compassion and generosity of the American people will rise to the needs of this tragic moment.

Lord, we also pray that as Jesus rose up in the stern, that You will awaken us to the storms of our own making; the whirlwinds of distrust, because we fall for the temptation to spin situations, and don't always tell the whole truth to ourselves and one another; the gale winds of anger, because we refuse to see the injustices and wounds from which these frustrations flow; the floods from the endless news cycle and social media, causing us to miss Your still, small, sacred voice.

So speak, Lord, now to each of us, and through Your word, anchor our hearts in Your truth that speaks only in love; in Your compassion for all who suffer; and in Your promises, until we, like Noah, remember the rainbow, and trust You to lead us together through the storm.


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