The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Chaplain Robert Vick

American Legion National Chaplain
New Port Richey, FL

Sponsor: Rep. Gus Bilirakis, (R-FL)
Date of Prayer: 02/27/2018

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to introduce a constituent,
a true American hero. What an honor it is to introduce Chaplain Robert Vick, who currently serves as the American Legion National Chaplain.

Chaplain Vick lives in New Port Richey, Florida, with his wife of 62 years. She is present today as well. Together they have 4 sons, 10 grandchildren, and 16 great–grandchildren.

In addition to his commitment to his family, the chaplain has a great love for our country and a passion for service. A Korean war–era veteran of the U.S. Navy, Chaplain Vick has a distinguished record of service. He also has been a proud Legionnaire since 1983. I am also proud to say that he is a family friend.

Saying that he feels called to use his ministerial training to serve the spiritual needs of other veterans and their families, Chaplain Vick was appointed National Chaplain of the 2 million–member American Legion last year.

Even as the U.S. Capitol prepares in honoring another humble servant
of God tomorrow, the Reverend Billy Graham, I am proud that Chaplain
Vick offered this morning's prayer in the U.S. House.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Almighty God, our Father, we humbly ask Your blessings on our government and all our representatives gathered here today. We humbly ask Your blessing, Your wisdom, and protection for our country and for our flag, the symbol of our freedom and our home. Keep us always aware of the heritage which is ours and the freedom and opportunities we enjoy as Americans.

As we bow before You, may we pledge anew in our hearts and on our lips to preserve this country, its citizens, and our way of life. May we continue our commitment to You and to our fellow man. May we not take that small step from tolerance to tyranny in our deliberations.

May we keep foremost in our thoughts the welfare and the success of our great Nation and work together to solve our differences. May we emulate the great men and women of the past, who, through sacrifice, purchased our freedoms. Aid us to commit ourselves to preserving them.

I pray this prayer in the name of God, before whom every knee shall ultimately bow and every tongue confess that You are Lord and God.

Amen. And amen.

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