The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Timothy Kesicki, S.J.

Jesuit Conference
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 04/05/2018

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Dear Lord, as we meet during this holy season, we are reminded what the American writer and theologian, Frederick Buechner, said of Easter.

"Nothing, no horror can happen that can permanently, irrevocably quench the presence of holiness that is always there 'underneath the
everlasting arms.'"

We gather as a Nation this day to place ourselves in the protection of Your everlasting arms. We look out at Your creation, budding new with life from every window, reminding us that as You have raised Your Son to new life, You will continue to raise up all who turn to You.

You can turn fear into promise, despair into hope, defeat into victory, and remind us that new life still flows in spite of everything. This is the joy of Easter. This is Your gift to us this day. May we live and proclaim this new life in all that we say and do.

We pray, amen.

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