The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Monsignor John Zenz

Holy Name Parish
Birmingham, MI

Sponsor: Rep. Dave Trott, (R-MI)
Date of Prayer: 05/17/2018

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. TROTT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the contributions of Monsignor Zenz, a staple in southeast Michigan and the pastor of Holy Name Catholic Church.

Ordained almost 40 years ago, Monsignor Zenz received a doctorate in
spiritual theology in 1984 and has served the faculty at Sacred Heart
for over 35 years.

Starting as a weekend associate at my hometown parish in Birmingham,
Michigan, Monsignor Zenz became the pastor at Holy Name in 2008, where
he has faithfully served our community since.

He also serves on the board at the Academy of the Sacred Heart and
chaplain to the Detroit Chapter of the National Christ Child Society.
He is currently a chaplain to the Detroit Cardinal Club and has
extensive experience working with Catholic Network of Detroit, ensuring God's word reaches as many homes as possible.

Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to host Monsignor Zenz here today, and I
want to thank him for his tireless service and dedication to southeast
Michigan. We should all strive to serve our communities with the same rigor that Monsignor Zenz demonstrates on a daily basis.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Be true to Your name, O Lord, and may we also be true to Your name, O Lord.

You give life to all things and make them holy. Keep us true to Your gift of life.

You manifest Your power by mercy and compassion. May we be true to You as stewards of Your power.

We call upon You as Father. Keep us true to Your providential care for the human family by our loving concern for the common good.

As we approach Memorial Day, may we be true to Your promise of life eternal, remembering all who have died, especially those in the service of freedom and peace.

Be true to Your name, O Lord, and may we always be true to Your name as well. Amen.

To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory