The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Erin M. Keys

Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 08/21/2018

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

God of life, we give You thanks for this day. We give You thanks for our country, and we give You thanks for those, both within these Chamber walls and beyond them, who work every day on behalf of our
country's people.

We pray for Your grace, God, in their work. We pray for Your wisdom. We pray for Your spirit's leading, that all might join in working for good, the highest good, for one another, because You remind us of our
dependence on one another and You remind us that whatever we do to the least of those among us we do to You.

So be with us this day, this hour, God, that our work might serve a higher purpose and be pleasing to You.


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