The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Pastor Rosalinda Rivera

New Life Outreach Church
Richmond, VA

Sponsor: Rep. Dave Brat, (R-VA)
Date of Prayer: 09/13/2018

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. BRAT. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to welcome Pastor Rosalinda Rivera,
and her friends, of Chesterfield County, Virginia, to the House Chamber today.

As an associate pastor at the New Life Outreach Church, the church her parents, Carmen and Victor Torres founded in 1972, she has helped
reach those who are in search of a better way of life.

In addition to her role in the church, she is involved in many other
organizations to serve those in need. Whether it is helping young
people overcome the challenges of addiction at New Life for Youth,
helping young mothers restore relationships with their children at
Mercy Mom's House, or inspiring groups all over the U.S. with her
writing and ministry, her service has been one spent devoted to the
service of others.

She has turned the lives of countless people around, giving them
faith, hope, and purpose. Her work is a testament to the Judeo–
Christian tradition, which calls all people to love and care for others in the same way that God loves and cares for each of us.

Thank you, Rosalinda, and God bless you.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Dear God, we come before You this day with grateful hearts for this wonderful Nation we live in. For our Senators, our Congressmen and – women, our President, for their families, bless them as they sacrificially lead us as a Nation.

We lift up those today that are imprisoned by a lifestyle of addiction, trapped in the trenches of hopelessness. Your Word says that if we are in a pit, You will lift us up and put our feet on a rock.

So we cry out on behalf of our husbands, our wives, our sisters, our brothers, for the young people of America that are trapped by the pit of opioid addiction and sex trafficking.

You are the God of hope and healing. So, in Your name, I declare the chains of addiction are broken. I declare freedom in the hearts of every person fighting addiction. Through You, our God, we have the victory.

Thank You for always being faithful. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory