The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Doctor Barry C. Black

Chaplain, U.S. Senate
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 01/17/2019

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

O God, our way, our truth, and our life, we worship You.

Quicken our consciences by Your holiness, that we will find nourishment in Your truth.

As this partial government shutdown continues, help our lawmakers to open their hearts to Your love and to surrender their desires to Your

Lord, in this tangled world, we are conscious of our woeful inadequacies to sit in the seats of judgment, to balance the scales of justice, and to respond with equity to the myriad calls of human needs.

We need You, Eternal God, to crown the deliberations of this Chamber with Your wisdom to fit these challenging times.

We pray in Your mighty Name. Amen.

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