The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Dr. Andrew Chaney

First & Calvary Presbyterian Church
Springfield, MO

Sponsor: Rep. Billy Long, (R-MO)
Date of Prayer: 05/01/2019

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, today I have the honor of introducing my
friend, the Reverend Dr. Andrew Chaney, along with his wife, Christine, and my wife, Barbara, in the gallery, and the Hargis family from Springfield, Missouri, members of the First and Calvary Church.

Reverend Chaney is a third–generation minister. Reverend Chaney serves as the senior minister at the historic First and Calvary Presbyterian Church in Springfield, Missouri, a church that is a very special place for my family. Reverend Chaney serves as an important spiritual voice for us and the Springfield community.

Congress has a longstanding tradition of beginning each day in
prayer. I am privileged and honored to have the opportunity to welcome
Reverend Dr. Andrew Chaney to the people's House as he opened today's session in prayer.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Almighty God, we come before Your throne of grace and salvation in prayer for the men and women of this Congress and their families to be blessed with Your peace and protection.

Give them strength to rely upon Your faithfulness, always serving others with compassion.

Give them strength to be a rock and a mighty fortress when feeling crushed by an avalanche of criticism.

Give them strength to collaborate and spur each other on toward good works. As iron sharpens iron, may they sharpen one another.

Give them strength to display courage with the power of persistence in advancing American ideals, their feet closely following Your steps without turning aside. For You are their guide, their moral compass. You are the way, the truth, and the life.

Secure their leadership in Your divine will, making them an instrument of Your blessing for every American, now and forever.


To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory