The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Benjamin Hogue

Lutheran Church of the Reformation
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 05/30/2019

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

God of mercy and love, You have journeyed with us this day and called us to be a people of grace and peace. The greatness of Your power transcends all human authority.

Give to us a spirit of repentance and wisdom, leading us in Your ways of humility and service. Grant strength to this body and shape their work to be bold and courageous in ensuring liberty and justice for all.

Protect those who give voice to the voiceless, and accompany those neighbors most forgotten and pushed aside. Hold close those who mourn, those who hurt, and those seeking relief, refuge, and rest. In sighs too deep for words, intercede with Your comfort and care.

As Your love shows up continually in our lives and in our world, give us the courage to share Your compassion with others in thought, word, and deed. Guide us on paths of reconciliation and unity, mending our hearts with Your hope for a better world.

We pray all this, trusting that You are near and knowing that You are listening. Amen.

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