The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Dr. Dan C. Cummins

Capitol Worship
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 09/16/2019

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Merciful Father, in times like these, we need Your Holy Spirit to refresh us, cleanse us. In times like these, we need Your word revealed to heal us. In times like these, we need Your prophet to speak, "This is the way, walk ye in it."

In times like these, we need our sins, which are many, washed in Your blood. In times like these, we need reminding that before Your throne there is no party, no race, no gender, no saint––just sinners saved by grace. In times like these, we need reminding that wisdom is not debated, it comes through fearing You. In times like these, when we feel victimized by our circumstances, let us become more than conquerors through Christ who strengthens us.

And yes, in times like these, when we see so many around us in desperation, remind us one more time, we are our brother's keeper.

In Jesus' name I pray... Amen.

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