The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Dr. Dan C. Cummins

Capitol Worship
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 03/26/2020

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Heavenly Father, a certain Samaritan, finding a stranger by the roadside beaten and robbed, without hesitancy, put him upon his donkey,
carried him to an inn, and charged the keeper, saying: "Take care of him; and whatever you spend extra, I will come again tomorrow and repay

Lord, thank You, always, for the opportunities to do good; to bring healing and restoration to the sick, the dying, and the suffering.

Let us not love in word only, but with unselfish actions, just like the Samaritan, expecting nothing in return.

We pray, give wisdom to our President, the leaders of this House and Senate, to act in unity, for a threefold cord is not easily broken.

Let us give liberally, as wise and prudent stewards, whereby the world will know we are the children of God.

Let us bind the brokenhearted, lift up the fallen, and let those who fear put their trust in the Lord.

I pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen.

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