The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Steven T. Cherry

Wesley Enhanced Living at Heritage Towers
Doylestown, PA

Sponsor: Rep. Hon. Michael Fitzpatrick, (R-PA)
Date of Prayer: 04/06/2006

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

(Mr. FITZPATRICK of Pennsylvania asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Mr. FITZPATRICK of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to welcome Reverend Steven Cherry to the House Chamber this morning as our guest chaplain. It is my further honor to welcome the residents of Heritage Towers, a retirement community located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, where Reverend Cherry serves as Executive Director. They are in the House Chamber as I speak to lend their support to the Reverend as well as to see our body in action. Welcome to the Nation's capital.

I have had many opportunities to visit Heritage Towers and meet with the 350 residents who call the community home. I also have had the chance to speak with Reverend Cherry about the mission of Heritage Towers and how it is not just a retirement community but a place where seniors can enhance not only their minds and bodies but their spirit as well.

Reverend Cherry is tasked with the challenge of maintaining the high quality of the services Heritage Towers offers. He is well–equipped to meet that challenge. Reverend Cherry has served as the finance chairman for the Berwyn United Methodist Church and as a board member of the Central Bucks YMCA. In his ecclesiastical role, Reverend Cherry has served as the pastor of many churches, including the Radnor Church in Rosemont and the Iona Methodist Church in Lebanon.

Mr. Speaker, Reverend Cherry has shown his dedication to service and community action throughout his career. Heritage Towers is lucky to have him as Executive Director, and the House is honored to have him with us today.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

God of the nations,

You gave this new day, blessed it with springtime color and we give You thanks.

Look on your people throughout this beloved nation, a grand diversity from all corners of the land, and bind us together in the principles of liberty, respect and service. Teach us to revere those advanced in age, who feel the weight of years, but live with depth of character that comes from long life. May we be so reverent in the face of the profound gift of life. We give deep thanks for all those who act out of dedication to sisters and brothers, wherever they serve.

Give to all those who work in this place, strength, wisdom and pause to consider your grace in our midst. You’ve given to them the great traditions and tools of leadership forged from years of testing. May Your work prevail today.

We pray in the name of Jesus, the Christ.


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