The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend John Hergenrother

Archdiocese of Chicago
Chicago, IL

Date of Prayer: 04/26/2006

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Lord, God, Allah, Higher Power – we address you with many names but you are one. We are many people striving to be united in mutual justice, equity and concern.

444 of your people have the awesome responsibility to represent, to lead, to care and to legislate for over 60 million of your people.

May of the laws that come from this House strengthen, nourish and keep us united in the bond that we share as citizens and as your children.

With all of our ideals and all of our limitations, we pray for the Members. Give them insight, guidance and vision to discern the common good for all your people – in this land and beyond.

To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory