The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

His Holiness Aram the First

Catholicos of the Armenian Apostolic Church of the Holy See of Cilicia

Sponsor: Rep. Adam Schiff, (D-CA)
Date of Prayer: 11/09/2023

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, today we welcome His Holiness Aram the First, Catholicos of the Holy See of the Great House of Cilicia, who graced us with an opening prayer.
His Holiness Aram the First, a true beacon of faith, holds a special place in the hearts of countless Armenians in my community and around the world. His unwavering commitment to the values of faith, community, and compassion embodies the spirit of our vibrant Armenian community.
His support for humanitarian issues, advocacy for human rights, engagement in several educational and cultural initiatives, and promotion of interfaith understanding have left an indelible mark, making the world a better place for all.
His Holiness Aram the First's prayer has not only enriched our proceedings, but also reinforced our commitment to working together in the service of our shared values.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

We give thanks to You, dear God, for Your gift of life.
Grant us wisdom, courage, and vision in order that we may fully dedicate ourselves to the service of the people and the United States of America.
Help us, O God, actively engage in meaningful and fruitful deliberation and discussion for the good of our people and prosperity of our country.
Help us, God of wisdom, as elected Representatives of people to reflect and act with the profound sense of responsibility and accountability.
Help us, God of compassion, to promote mutual understanding, acceptance, and tolerance as one nation of coherent diversities.
Help us, giver of peace and justice, to work ardently for peace with justice in a world torn apart by violence and polarizations.
Help us, O God of mercy, to remember in our prayers more than 100,000 Armenian refugees who recently were forced to leave Nagorno–Karabakh, their centuries–old homeland, and face huge difficulties and uncertainties.
O God, protect us from evil and strengthen and guide us in our common responsibility.  Amen.

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