The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Rabbi Mendy Deitsch

Chabad of the East Valley
Chandler, AZ

Sponsor: Rep. Greg Stanton, (D-AZ)
Date of Prayer: 07/11/2024

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. Speaker, it is an honor for me to welcome Rabbi Mendy Deitsch from Chandler, Arizona, as he just led us in a wonderful opening prayer.

Rabbi Deitsch, a Brooklyn native, founded Chabad of the East Valley more than 25 years ago as a center for Jewish life in our fast–growing community in Arizona District Four.

When Rabbi Deitsch was first getting started, he led services from his living room. Now, he leads a center for Jewish life for over 300 families.

Rabbi Deitsch and his wife have built a community rooted in the Jewish value of tzedakah. Together, they founded and operate two nonprofits, the Comfort Food Pantry and the Community Tuition Grant Organization, to help low–income families.

His presence here today reminds each of us in this room that we have a God–given purpose to love and care for our neighbors.

May the rabbi's beautiful words that we just heard remain with us as we take up our work for the day.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

May it be Your will, O Lord, our God and God of our fathers, give blessings to these special individuals, the Members of Congress, who have been chosen by many to represent and bring freedom, comfort, peace, and harmony while ensuring we live in a just, educated, and respectful world.

We pray for the safe return of the hostages and for our troops around the globe to continue to carry out their mission and tasks with integrity, strength, and dignity.

The revered Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, whose anniversary of his passing we recently observed, posited that latent within each individual lies a reservoir of untapped potential. By harnessing these innate faculties to actualize our distinctive purpose in a beneficial way by bringing justice to all, we fulfill one of the seven universal laws of Noah entrusted to humanity.

As our Nation continues to fight for its identity, we pray that this legislative body continues to show our youth the inner strength and positive potential that they harbor within and encourage them to use it in unity with respect for all without infringing on the freedoms of its fellow citizens.

We implore Almighty God to grant them the strength and moral courage to enhance our world daily. Bestow upon them wisdom, justice, grace, and empathy, enabling them to bring honor to Your name and blessings to humankind with joy and happiness for all. Amen.

To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory