Reverend Reverend Christopher Legg
South Spring Baptist Church
Tyler, TX
Sponsor: Rep. Nathaniel Moran, (R-TX)
Date of Prayer: 12/06/2024
One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor a devoted servant of the Lord and Savior, my pastor and friend, Chris Legg, of South Spring Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas.
I have known Pastor Legg now for almost a decade. He is a dedicated, authentic, and humble shepherd of the flock entrusted to him, and he is one of the most insightful teachers of Scripture I have ever encountered.
Every Sunday through his teaching, I am challenged to more closely align my heart and my actions with the righteousness of the living God. Committed to discipleship, Pastor Legg understands that we are all ministers of the Gospel, but he also understands that we are all broken people in need of a Savior. If we doubt that, he simply reminds us to look in the mirror.
Whether it is from the pulpit at South Spring, at Alethia Family Counseling Center, behind the microphone during his Reconstructed Faith podcast, or simply engaging with everyone he meets, Pastor Legg does his best to point this lost world to a Savior who loves us each unconditionally and who came to bring us eternal life and life more abundantly.
It is my great honor to sponsor Pastor Legg, husband to Ginger, father to five, and friend to all, as Guest Chaplain to deliver the opening prayer before the United States House of Representatives.
On behalf of east Texas, I thank Chris and Ginger for their lifetime of dedication to the Gospel.
Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:
O Lord, King of Kings, Abba Father, and friend, help me to remember that every prayer is before You, the creator of all things and the lover of our souls.
Whether we acknowledge You or not, guard us and guide us. Be our vision and our wisdom, and protect us from our own.
Search us, know us, try us, and reveal us. See if there be any grievous way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting.
Forgive us our pride, our lies, lack of appreciation for Your truth and Your love. We know You are doing a new thing. We see it springing up. Make known to us the path of life, help us experience the full joy of Your presence and the eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
We ask all of this according to the sanctifying work of Your spirit, for obedience to Your Son and the sprinkling of His blood, and according to Your perfect knowledge. Amen.
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