The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Allen Novotny

Gonzaga College High School
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 10/24/2007

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Lord, we gather here this morning, representatives of millions, to use your gifts of the power of words, of debate and of laws to serve their needs.

Yet, we dare ask for even more – the awesome power of your Spirit. And so we pray, rush upon us O Spirit of God! From this time, rush upon us: like living water, like leaping fire,
like fresh wind through an open window. For this time, rush upon us, O Holy Spirit: with wisdom and knowledge, with understanding and counsel, with wonder and recognition and awe. Just in time, rush upon us, O Spirit of God: in life–giving words, in songs for the powerless, in a passion for service.

At this time, rush upon us, O Holy Spirit: this hopeful time, this planning time, this renewing time, this new time, this full time, all the time, rush upon us, O Spirit of God!


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