The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Doctor Carey D. Froelich

First Baptist Church
Baytown, TX

Sponsor: Rep. Richard Baker, (R-LA)
Date of Prayer: 04/09/2008

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Holy and Gracious God:

We bow before you in wonder and gratitude that You care about the affairs of mankind. Thank You for offering Divine Counsel and Wisdom to these men and women to whom You have granted the privilege of governing.

Loving Father, empower each Member of this noble body with a vision of the common good. May the dynamic of partisan debate unify them in their resolve to serve our nation as a whole. Grant to each participant the capacity and the courage to discern truth, to feel compassion, to recognize justice, and to act with integrity.

Lord, I pray that every servant in this House will recognize Your Presence in this great hall, and that all will experience the full measure of Your blessing as they conduct the affairs of our great nation.

I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Wonderful Counselor upon Whose shoulders the burden of governance has always rested, Amen.

To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory