The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Vicken Aykazian

The Armenian Church of America

Date of Prayer: 04/21/2005

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Lord God of creation, we ask Your blessing on the men and women gathered here today, all of whom labor in the cause of liberty and justice for the people of this great Nation.

We pray that You will inspire our leaders with wisdom, compassion, and resolution in the face of evil. In a time of uncertainty across our world, Lord, we seek above all to know and perform Your will. We pray that You will remember the precious sacrifices made in the name of liberty, that You will shepherd the downtrodden out of the darkness of tyranny, and that You will steer our entire world to a new dawn of peace and dignity, for all Your children.

We are aware, Lord, of the solemn occasion approaching us this week marking the 90th anniversary of the Armenian genocide. Even after four generations, the effects of that terrible episode are still felt. We ask You to grant rest to the souls of all whose lives were taken and bestow Your peace on their descendants.

Finally, Lord, we thank You for the bounty and liberty of this great country of America. Bless this land and her people, so that America may continue to be the great beacon of hope to our world.

For all of these blessings, may Your Name be praised from generation to generation. Amen.

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