The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend John Boyles

National Capital Presytery
Washington DC, DC

Date of Prayer: 06/08/2004

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

O Lord God, we come before You on this day to ask that You would be with all here today as servants of Your will, and that of this Nation's people, in giving honor for service to country, this land of the free. And strengthen all here today in the work of this body, to establish steadfast and righteous rules of law to guide and direct the way of this Nation.

O Lord God, that here would be frontiers of freedom just as there were in foreign fields on beachheads of liberation which are remembered and honored in these days.

O Lord God, before You, and gathered here, we are met to lift up to You and remember those who have given of themselves in highest service to this Nation. O Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations and now this House, this Chamber would prepare to receive under its dome, a hallowed place of honor for one who served as highest leader of this Nation. Prepare here now, O Lord, those assembled to give honor for service and dedication to America of Ronald Reagan, that in honoring his service, that the service to Nation given by those here in this House might be rededicated and strengthened; that in honoring the grace and goodness of a man who served his Nation's people, that all here would be renewed in their dedication to the good of all, and the building up of all, and even then knowing, before You, O God, that if this earthly house of a tabernacle were desolved that there is a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. May you, O God, bless the work of our hands here today. Amen.

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