The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Rabbi Melvyn May

West End Temple Sinai Congregation
Neponsit, AL

Sponsor: Rep. Rep. Anthony Weiner, (D-NY)
Date of Prayer: 09/25/2002

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. WEINER. Mr. Speaker, I ask the House to join me in welcoming Rabbi Melvyn May , who gave the invocation this morning. He is the spiritual leader of the West End Temple in Neponsit, New York. His path to that post took him through Connecticut, New Jersey and Brooklyn; and in each and every place he held positions of leadership in the community. He was someone who led the campaign for better understanding among our communities.

When he arrived at Neponsit, he arrived at, frankly, a most troubled time in our community. He arrived in October, 2001, one month almost to the day after the horrific attack on the World Trade Center that took so many of our neighbors in Rockaway, and he arrived also one month before a terrible plane crash in Belle Harbor, a stone's throw from his congregation's home.

During that time, Rabbi May , with dignity and with great understanding, led our community through that most difficult time. He has, in a relatively brief time, just about a year, become a force for healing and understanding throughout our community.

At this time of the holidays in the Jewish faith, he has been someone who has also led a campaign for better understanding among our very diverse communities in New York City.

I ask my colleagues in the House to join me in welcoming Rabbi May , and we ask that his accomplishments be spread across the record of this great body so that they can be shared throughout the Nation.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Rabbi Melvyn May , West End Temple Sinai Congregation, Neponsit, New York, offered the following prayer:

Our God and God of our fathers, as this session of the House of Representatives begins, we pray that the spirit that permeates this room today will enhance and enrich the endeavors of our Congressmen and Congresswomen on behalf of all the citizens of our great country, the United States of America.

In the words of the Psalmist: How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together. During this period when Jews throughout the world celebrate the High Holy Days and the spirit of renewal, we seek to understand and to do God's will so that all humankind will be free. As a Nation under God, we affirm the obligation of our elected officials to lead this country in the spirit of brotherhood, justice and righteousness that was taught by the prophets.

Almighty God, bestow Your continued blessings upon all of our elected officials and their staffs, for good health, happiness, knowledge and strength.

Implant in the hearts of the Members of Congress a sincere desire to toil together for the aims and goals of our American heritage, as exemplified in the spirit of the Constitution. We pray that unity of purpose and harmony of spirit will forever prevail.

With God's divine guidance may their best ideals come to fruition. Amen.

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