The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Johnny L. Green

Bethel Assembly of God
Savage, MD

Date of Prayer: 11/04/2003

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

The Reverend Johnny L. Green, Senior Pastor, Bethel Assembly of God, Savage, Maryland, offered the following prayer:

O Lord, I stand before You this afternoon in this prestigious place; a place where decisions are made and honor is given; a place where discussions and debates are challenged and recommendations are forwarded; yes, Lord, in this place. In this home of the free and land of the brave, Your Word tells us to ‘‘make prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving for those in authority, for this pleases You.'' I offer that prayer today. For this opportunity to pray for our Nation, its leaders, and our people, I give You thanks. For each man and woman chosen to lead in the directing of this Nation, would You provide wisdom and guidance for them to perform it? May each Representative here truly acknowledge and seek Your grace in every decision they make. For it is by Your grace that I stand here today and proclaim ‘‘How Great Thou Art.'' Lord, please bless America. Amen.

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